Tag Archives: #swing #solace #companion #favourite #inspiration #love #forever #lessonsoflife



Walking into the playground, my weary eyes search for the ONE THING- The Swing. The only thing that helps me get over all my problems and forget all my worries. However my mood maybe, a swing can set it right. No matter what problem persists in my head, I can solve it while on a swing. It gets me to think my clearest. It is the sole solution for everything.

To most, a swing is just that playground object. For me, it is much, much more. It is my mood-changer, my solace, my therapist, my everything. No other activity can give me more joy and happiness and comfort than swinging. The swing helps me acknowledge and understand the basic facts of life.

It helps me realise that there are always going to be ups and downs in life that should be enjoyed, not avoided. To move up in a particular aspect of life, you have to go down in another. It makes me realise that there are factors in life, like the wind when on a swing, that when used at the right time and in the right direction, will help me move ahead faster but at the same time, makes me aware of the perils of their over-usage. It helps me understand that nothing in life is stationary. It all moves; it all changes.

I really wish my parents would let me have a swing at home but they think it’s useless. I do have a big one at my weekend house, so that’s pretty cool. But it’s pretty far away. Swings give me a rush that is nothing compared to any high. They make me want to reach higher, not just in the air, but in life as well. They make me set higher aims and strive to achieve them. They really are my biggest guides in life.

As John Green puts it, “No matter how hard you kick, no matter how high you get, you can’t go all the way around.” A swing gets me to a very philosophical level, but I enjoy it. And although it’s sad that small kids hate me for not letting them swing, I shall always continue doing that because a swing will always be my constant.
